The Rotary Club of Le Sueur has adopted both American Legion Park and Pierre Le Sueur Park in downtown Le Sueur. You may see Rotarians in their People of Action or Rotarians at Work shirts in the parks.
What is Adopt-a-Park?
The City of Le Sueur’s Adopt-A-Park program is a public service program that encourages volunteers, with the assistance of the Public Works Department, to adopt a space or park in Le Sueur for regular maintenance and cleanups, including picking up litter and planting flowers.
Each class of new Rotary members receives a grant for a project of their choice in Le Sueur. A recent new member team identified an opportunity to improve the Pierre Le Sueur Park entrance to Le Sueur with flowers, landscaping, and decorative lighting. Their efforts led to the adoption of the park by the Rotary Club of Le Sueur. Benches earned from the Bags to Benches program provide park visitors a place to take a break, enjoy a snack or lunch, read a book, or people watch in a downtown setting.
Want more information about Rotary and Adopt-a-Park?
Contact for more information about Rotary and Adopt-a-Park, We welcome you to join us do good things in our community.
Le Sueur Rotarians Are People of Action in Local Parks
- Rotarians Meghan and Peg freshen up the hostas.
- Rotarians Dave, Loren and Meghan plant shrubs.
- Rotarians David and Betty Jo pair up to tidy up American Legion Park.
- Rotariant Kim gives the planter a new look in Pierre Le Sueur Park.
- Rotarian Peg tends to the plants in Pierre Le Sueur Park.
- Rotarian Jackie proudly wears her People of Action shirt while working in Pierre Le Sueur Park.